My picture today is of my every first Jelly Roll Quilt … it’s technically called a Jelly Roll Race Quilt but since I’m not racing anyone it seems kinda weird to call it that.
I used the Deb Strain Cherish Nature by Moda Fabric on my first Jelly Roll Quilt and I followed the instructions exactly … but on the rest thereafter I made small changes each time. (I’ve had that Jelly Roll for over four years … it was on my shelf waiting for me to use it. It’s no longer available … yes I googled it.)
I’m happy to say I’ve filmed a video on how to make the quilt top … it took a couple days and a couple different cameras (iPad on one side of the room and camera on the other) … it’s not the best video I’ve produced but I think it explains it very simply (no shortcuts). I’ll be posting the video over on Chic n Scratch because that is the channel where I have all my videos ….but I’ll link it over here as well.
I started with the Jelly Roll Quilt because you can get it done in less than four hours (and you don’t have to get up from your sewing machine unless you want to). But I will warn you of one thing … be mindful of the Jelly Roll you purchase! In fact go ahead and buy your backing fabric right then and there! You’ll need 4.5 yards if you use the same fabric for your backing and binding. If you’re not using the same you’ll need 4.25 for backing and 1/2 yard for binding …. to be safe.
In the papercrafting industry things come and go but they’re usually around for a while … with fabric … it’s almost impossible to find it once it’s gone. If you like it …buy it and don’t hesitate or it will be gone. The Mixed Bag Quilt from last week … I am faced with that dilemma …. the yardage fabric is gone and finding a red to match the red is not an easy task! I bought two of those Layer Cakes …. so now I’m faced with what do I do? (I have an idea …but we shall see.)
I have several Jelly Roll quilts to share with you …because they are quick and simple …. meaning once you are at the sewing machine you never have to get up. But they won’t be totally finished until I get them back from my longarm quilter (so you’ll see them again).
I will try to get the video posted later today.
See ya!
Angie this is so so beautiful–you have inspired me to try quilting–will wait to see what you suggest on your videos before I get started. This quilt looks so cozy!!! Beautiful job Angie.
Love the colors in the fabric!! It looks like it would go together quickly, my kind of quilt 🙂 Thanks for sharing too.
Angie, this quilt is beautiful! I don’t think I have ever seen this pattern, but
it is lovely. Thanks for sharing it with us.
These look like fun to make and you do a beautiful job. Do you always purchase your strips in the jelly roll, or have you ever cut your own strips in order to get the color/design/etc. that you want?
Hi Joann, to be honest I would prefer to cut my own because in every single Jelly Roll there’s a few patterns that ruin the look for me ….but … at the moment I have to limit the use of my arms. Washing dishes, cutting fabric and washing my hair are three of the things that trigger extreme pain (anything that extends my arms) so I’ll use pre-cuts until I get the all clear from my doctor (hopefully soon!!!).
Thanks for your reply. I just purchased my first jelly roll today. I’m going to try the jelly rolls first until I feel comfortable, then I think I’ll try making my own strips. Hope your appointment today turned out good for you.
thanks Joann!
Thanks for sharing the jelly roll quilts — they look beautiful and are very inspiring to tackle one myself. Have you ever cut your strips to get the color/design/etc that you want?
Angie – I love the Jelly Roll videos and this fabric is especially beautiful. I bought a jelly roll last April and haven’t sewn it yet as I realized later that I wasn’t sure how I would hand quilt it and I haven’t ever taken one to be machine quilted. If you’re willing to share, how much will your longarm quilter charge for a quilt made out of one jelly roll? (I am assuming you used one) I live in the South as well and I know prices will vary, but I’d love an estimate of what I might expect to pay someone for machine quilting a piece this size. Glad to find a place where I can see how you are feeling – thinking of you always and hoping you find the answers you need soon.
Hi Laurie,
It will cost less than $100 … I can give you an exact price once I get it back from Shirley …. she also provides the batting.
Love them both, but I love the patterns and colors in this one, it’s more my style 🙂 Great job with the video.
WHOW!!!! Love it!!!
I’m on the hunt for Deb Strains Cherish Nature jelly roll to finish a quilt for my mom. By any chance do you have another you could part with? Thank you SEW much. Mary @ Quilt Hollow
Hi Mary,
I wish I had more of the Cherish Nature fabric but sadly I only had one Jelly Roll (that I used on my very first jelly roll quilt). Best of luck!