A few weeks ago I mentioned that I’ve found ways to continue sewing …even though my body is in constant pain.
One of them is the Knee Lift on my Bernina Sewing Machine.
I use my left arm to hold the fabric as I sew it and I use my right hand on the knee lift.
Are you scratching your head? Yes, I said I use the knee lift with my right hand. I’m short and no matter what table I use for my sewing machine … it doesn’t work with my knee. I’m not complaining .. I have a system and it works!
When shopping for a sewing machine .. a self threader and a knee lift is a must have!
See ya!
p.s. Yes the next several posts are going to be about sewing. I’ve not been able to stand long enough to work in my office … and I’m calling the doctor again on Monday to see if she can fit me in sooner than the 9th. I went to the grocery store today and then had to lay down the rest of the day. I’ll stop complaining now … I know it could be so much worse .. I’m just ready to feel normal again!
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