How to photograph a quilt … is the subject of the day!!
I’ll start off by saying that I’m no expert …but by the time I finish my research I will be (plus my daughter is going to help me… thanks Brooke!!)
Both pictures were taken with a Nikon D7000 with a 50mm Prime Lens (we took the f-stop as far as it would go on the D7000).
We were going for the blurred background look … but our lighting wasn’t working because the sun only came out for a few minutes. We have studio lights … but not the right background.
Our next test will be using a gray screen using a Nikon D90 or Nikon D5100 …not sure of the lens yet.
As soon as we figure out the best camera and the best set up …we will share the details.
This may be the time to chime in and say Brooke’s major is in Photography at the Kansas City Art Institute … but … I personally take all my pictures. I finally broke down and ask Brooke if she could help me master quilt photography (and I’m happy to say she said yes …plus she can include them in her portfolio).
I’ve read several articles on how to photograph quilts …. but none of them really explained how to hang the quilts temporarily. I don’t want to add a rod pocket because I’m not entering them in a show … I just want a really nice picture for my blog and my scrapbook. Plus most of these quilts are gifts for my family (long distance) and who knows when I’ll see them again.
As for hanging it on a tree or on a fence … it’s winter here in Kansas and the only way you can get me to walk in that snowy backyard is if I had to rescue Miss Bella!!
See ya!
p.s. I’m getting Chase’s quilt from the long arm quilter tomorrow … if my memory serves me right … you have not seen his quilt.
Hi Angie,
First of all , your quilts are absolutely beautiful. I have a question… I purchased 2 prints and 3 solids that kind of have a marble effect and one has some spotted dots for a quilt that I would like to try and make. How many pattern choices do you use for a square quilt? I will have total of five. Is that the right amount? I will be using the accuquilt large square .
How many squares will I need to make the lap quilt you made with this size square?
Thank you.
I really like using 7 to 8 different patterns but …. it may be possible to do it with five. I’ll be honest and say that I’ve not made one using only 5 so I’m not totally sure. (My drag around quilt used less patterns but that is a totally different quilt).
To determine how many squares you need … what is the size of your squares? If you want the quilt to be 54 inches wide …and your squares are 10″ ….. you would want at least 6 of them going across (it would measure 60″ but then you lose 1/2 per block with the seam).
I’m going to do a video on the quilt …. and I think that may help … but it will take me a few weeks.
Angie thanks for the feedback. I will get a couple more designs. I am using the large square from the accuquilt.
Have a nice day.