Five months later I have a NEW Goal!!!
If you know me ….. you know that I stay focused when I have a goal ….. and usually when I set a goal I achieve it. Sometimes it takes years and other goals happen very quickly … but I almost always achieve it. My daughter has the same determination … I love it!!
Before I talk about my new goal I want to share some of my past goals …
- First goal that I remember was ….. I wanted to earn enough money to hire a house cleaner (I HATE cleaning house …. there are so many things I love to do and cleaning is not one of them). I’m happy to say I achieved that goal many years ago.
- Next goal was I needed to make enough money to not take any money out of the family budget …. that was a little harder ….but I did it! (Truth be told I was forced …. we bought a small lake house and I committed to not using the family money for stamping.)
- Next goal took me several years but I did it! I wanted enough money to buy a jet ski for Chase and Brooke … of course we bought a used jet ski but I’m happy to say I paid cash. What a feeling that was!! All these years I was just a housewife and I could say I paid cash for something. They were happy and very proud of mom!!
- Next goal … enough money to put a down payment on a car …. I’ve never had a dime to put towards a down payment on anything … and I’m happy to say I did it … that was before we had two kids in college!!
- Next goal … I wanted a forum (Chic n Clique) …. Dave gave me the money early because he knew how bad I wanted it …. but I was able to pay him back in the fall.
- Next goal … I wanted to reach one million in sales by 2015 …. I achieved that goal in October.
- The next goal is tricky because it was out of my control … let’s just say it was complicated! I have wanted for years!! (Someone bought the domain a few months after I started my blog.) For years I’ve tried to buy it …. and for whatever reason … the person that bought it finally put it up for auction … right around the same time that I reached my one million in sales (I’m 100% sure that the person knows me.) I tried my best to get it at a reasonable price … let’s just say that the bonus I received for my one million went out the door faster than your head could spin. I’m not complaining ….. but I am … if you know what I mean. In 2015 Chic n Scratch became an LLC, was trademarked and I own the domain. Whew … I totally did that backwards!!
There have been smaller goals along the way …. I just shared the big ones!
Since October I’ve been floating in the wind … without a goal. I’ve not liked it at all! Being sick ….. I’ve had my limitations …. how could I set a goal to sell 200k this year when I wasn’t working? In my mind it just wasn’t something I could wrap my brain around. (I had mentioned selling 200k over on Chic n Scratch back in the fall.)
So …. my new goal of course is I want enough money to buy a long arm machine! You knew that was coming didn’t ya?
But … I’m being very realistic … we still have two kids in college … lake house is still in process and next month is tax time … grrrrr This goal is what I’m calling my long term goal … unless I can find a way to get it quicker. My husband will tell you I’m like a dog with a bone (at times). Actually my head is spinning … how can I get one quicker and what are my options…. can I sell my car … LOL …. I’m joking!!
I’ve looked on Craigs list …. I’ve googled longarm machines to death … I even had a dream two nights ago that my neighbors husband bought her a frame and a longarm machine …. as you can imagine I was green with envy … LOL
Before I end this blog post it’s very important that I say … please know that this is not a solicitation for money or for any of you that read my site to buy anything!!! I am 100% confident that I will get the money … and I will be happy whenever it happens ….. whether it’s 6 months or two years. I’m sharing this with you because I’m excited and I think that goals and thinking positive are really important! I told my assistant a while back that if I teach my kids anything I hope they see possibilities and not obstacles. I truly believe that when you believe … you achieve!
I hope I haven’t scared any of you off!! I think most of you that read this blog know me from Chic n Scratch so I should be okay.
I’m got a lot of work to do today!! I need to film at least six videos and another video for my quilt along. I’ll start posting more quilts soon …. Brooke had finals last week and she still needs to take some pictures!!
See ya!
p.s. I’m sorry this blog post looks like a short story!!!
I know you haven’t finished this Quilt Along, but are you planning on doing more in the future. I got my material, I have it cut. Now I need to arrange them and then I will be sewing. This is my first quilt ever and I am excited. I am a little behind because I just got the material. But I will catch up.
Thanks for all your inspiration. Paper crafting and quilting…..
I would love to do more ! If the Quilt Along is well received and everyone is happy ….. I’d be happy to do another!
I would like too see another one. I am green with envy you have done all of this!
Angie, I have a question for you. I want to make a baby quilt for my daughter, due in August. When you take a finished quilt to a long-arm quilter do you supply the batting and backing too? Thread? Do I completely finish it or does the long-arm quilter finish it, e.g.. binds it? Thank you for any help. Mary
Hey Mary,
Shirley (my longarm quilter) supplies the batting and the thread.
I take her my quilt top, backing fabric and the fabric to do my binding. Not all longarm quilters do the binding … but for a fee …. mine does (thank goodness)!
If you need help figuring out how much fabric you need … I can help you! I use a wonderful app to determine how much fabric is needed.
Angie, thank you, I may take you up on your offer :). My daughter is not finding out the sex of the baby until it arrives. Her room colors are gray, I’m guessing light, and yellow. Now I need to find some nice fabric for the quilt!
Have you got it all figured out as to where you will put your long arm machine? Those things are BIG.
I despise cleaning too and I figure running the vacuum is good enough most weeks! I want someone to do it for me when I reach 65-only 14 months away.
hey Cindy,
Yes …… I have the space all figured out … as long as it’s only 12 foot 🙂 I’m in the process of finally selling all my retired stamp sets + more and it’s freeing up some space in my office!! It’s been a long time coming and my hubby is sure glad to see some things leaving … LOL
There is nothing wrong with all your goals, go for it. This is also my first quilt and I’m loving it . I would love for you to do more down the line. Your directions are spot on and as far as I’m concerned I can follow them to the tee. Thanks so much for that, I’ll have to find a long-arm quilter very soon. Does your quilted business out of state? Would love to get her address and send my to her when it’s done. Let me know. Thanks for all your inspiration and i’m loving the quilt so far, can’t wait to send you a picture when it’s done. Thanks again
I don’t quilt but I know that’s your first love and I KNOW you will achieve that goal. And, you deserve it!
Praying alongside of you that you are able to achieve your goal/s! God is good and He loves to bless His children. You give so much to so many others that it’s not unreasonable to claim that more blessings will come your way in 2015! I pray you find just the right machine at just the right price. Hey- one thing my Mom does and many other ladies who I know that buy one, they make money eventually by quilting for others! 🙂 It’s an investment!
WHOW!! What amazing things you have accomplished.. You will get that long arm quilting machine sooner than later I am sure!! We all enjoy your videos of paper crafting and quilting. Looking forward to what inspiration you will sharing with us next. Thank you.
Hi Angie a
Congratulations for achieving your goals. I hope you get well so that it will be easier for you to accomplish new goals. Thanks for sharing your hobbies and personal life with us. Your like a virtual friend to me. Have nice day.
That’s awesome Angie that you’ve met those goals. That’s a lot to be proud of. I am so happy for you and I am thankful to you that you share your knowledge. I’ve learned a lot from you.