I haven’t posted in a few days because I’m sick as a dog!!
All the medicine on my sick tray is what I’ve tried over the course of the past few days … plus the meds they prescribed me today.
Sick tray is a cookie sheet covered with a TEKLA Dish towel.
I haven’t stamped or touched my sewing machine in almost a week… insert sad face!!
So … I had two choices today
- Post nothing
- Post about my health/ my trip to the walk in clinic
I decided I would post about my health …who knows it may help someone because I learned a lesson today!
It started late on Wednesday with a sore throat … it was just scratchy for a few days .. on Friday it became worse and all of a sudden I was wheezing …but … how could I wheeze when I didn’t have a cough … in the past wheezing has always followed a few days of coughing.
When I talked to my sister on the phone (on Saturday) … she said you need to go go the walk in clinic. Long story short I did not. Big mistake!! Saturday and Sunday night … zero sleep and I mean zero!!!!
I was counting the hours until 8am when my doctors office opened so that I could call and make an appointment. Well, guess what … she didn’t work today. So I got dressed real quick and drove to the walk in clinic as fast as possible.
The lesson learned was next time go when your sister tells you. In my defense I don’t like going to the walk in clinic because it exposes you to so many more germs. When I see my doctor there’s a few people in the waiting room … walk in clinic there’s a ton of people and the wait is long!!!
My oxygen level was low … I was wheezing like crazy and I have a nasty cough (and a man voice). They instantly gave me a breathing treatment. Checked me for strep and the flu …both were negative. I have bronchitis (sadly I’ve had it more times than I can count).
Fast forward six hours later … I feel worse ….but like my sister said… it will take the medicine a few days to start working. The doctor also said if I’m not feeling better in three days to come back.
I hope all of you stay healthy …. It’s been a crazy winter!!
See ya!
p.s. If I don’t post tomorrow …. you’ll know I’m still feeling really yucky.
I hope you start to feel better soon.
So sorry to hear you are sick, it is no fun what-so-ever. Hubby has been sick with some kind of upper respirator stuff too and doctor told him that people are having a hard time getting rid of it. Zertc-D and Flonase is what he is doing now and he is finally getting over it. Too bad we aren’t friends, I could bring my Vitamix over and make you some fresh orange juice with banana in it, YUM!! Oh and some green smoothies too 🙂
So sorry to hear you feeling so poorly. Do as your sister, (oops I mean doctor, says) and you will be on the mend shortly. Sisters are just the best. (Brothers too). Get well Angie. As you lay recuperating, think spring and all those pretty spring cards and gift bags you’ll be making and showing us in a few weeks.
Take care and get well.
Poor Angie! I hope you are feeling better soon.
Angie, I know this has been a tough winter for so many people, but
you just hang in there. I believe it is only 25 days until the first day
of spring! Isn’t that a blessing! 🙂
Angie–please take care of yourself before thinking about anything else!
Angie, so very sorry you are feeling so bad, I will be praying for you for a quick recovery! Take it easy and rest, that is the best thing for you and don’t worry about ANYTHING! Everyone will understand, and if they don’t…OH WELL! They will get over it. Your health is more important! So you get some rest, turn computer off and lay back and take it easy till you are feeling better! If I knew your sister I would tell her to come over and take everything away from you until you are feeling better and have rested…LOL… be glad I don’t know her! Take care and we will see your posts when you are better!
Hey Audrey, If my sister or my dad lived anywhere near me they would be over in a heart beat … sadly they live 660 miles away in Tennessee 🙁
AW Angie, so sorry you are sick, I agree with your sister though. Every time I get sick, I wait too long to go to the doctor because I feel it will go away on its own. By the time I go, which is only after the third week because most colds last at least a week, sometimes two, I need antibiotics, then I wish I would have gone a little sooner because I would have been feeling better quicker. Take care of yourself and drink a lot of fluids and rest.
Sorry you are sick Angie that is so no fun! Hope you get better soon! Get lots of sleep and take care of yourself! We miss you!