My Picture of the day #34 is a Fat Quarter Bundle…. what can I say I LOVE fabric!
These colors are not my style … but, I can appreciate them…. and I think it will make a beautiful quilt.
I had my 2nd weigh in today and I lost another 3-1/2 pounds…. I would have lost more had I eaten. I didn’t realize until I got there today and they added my protein that I was short every single day. It was a stressful and emotional week and now I know that I can’t under eat just as I can’t over eat. I also didn’t eat my carb allowance and I don’t need to be skipping that either.
I have my Log Cabin quilt fabric on the dining room table and it keeps calling my name!!! If I can get all five videos filmed and edited tomorrow for Stamp Club Online… I will allow myself some time to sew … but it may end up being Sunday. My videos for Chic n Scratch are filmed and I just need to edit them…. thank goodness!
I just realized I’m rattling on … I’ll say goodnight before I start another subject.
See ya tomorrow!
Angie I think you have remarkable taste—your home and the one at the lake are beautiful in your décor. You have a great way of combining colors and of course all your creations with Chic n Scratch. I have learned so much from you. Thanks and keep those pictures coming. Congrats on your weight lost-you are doing great. Have a good weekend.
Congratulations on your weight loss. I understand about your week .
The fabric you pick out is always beautiful and your quilts turn out very beautiful. I can’t wait to see the finished Log Cabin quilt.
Enjoy your day.